Do not permit storing, walking, wheeling, and trucking directly on applied
roofing materials. Provide temporary walkways, runways, and platforms of
smooth clean boards or planks as necessary to avoid damage to applied
roofing materials, and to distribute weight to conform to indicated live
load limits of roof construction.
Clean exposed sheet metal work at completion of installation. Remove metal
shavings, filings, nails, bolts, and wires from roofs. Remove grease and
oil films, excess sealants, handling marks, contamination from steel wool,
fittings and drilling debris and scrub the work clean. Exposed metal
surfaces shall be free of dents, creases, waves, scratch marks, solder or
weld marks and damage to the finish coating.
Manufacturer's technical representative shall visit the site as necessary
during the installation process to assure panels, flashings, and other
components are being installed in a satisfactory manner. Manufacturer's
technical representative shall perform a field inspection during the first
[20] [_____] squares of roof panel installation and at substantial
completion prior to issuance of warranty, as a minimum, and as otherwise
requested by the Contracting Officer. Additional inspections shall not
exceed one for [100] [_____] squares of total roof area with the exception
that follow-up inspections of previously noted deficiencies or application
errors shall be performed as requested by the Contracting Officer. Each
inspection visit shall include a review of the entire installation to date.
After each inspection, a report, signed by the manufacturer's technical
representative, shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer noting the
overall quality of work, deficiencies and any other concerns, and
recommended corrective actions in detail. Notify Contracting Officer a
minimum of 2 working days prior to site visit by manufacturer's technical
Completed work shall be plumb and true without oil canning, dents, ripples,
abrasion, rust, staining, or other damage detrimental to the performance or
aesthetics of the completed roof assembly.
NOTE: Include only the applicable EFD.
For each roof, provide a typewritten card, laminated in plastic and framed
for interior display or a photoengraved 0.8 mm thick 0.032 inchthick
aluminum card for exterior display. Card to be 220 by 280 mm 8 1/2 by 11
inches minimum and contain the information listed on Form 1 at end of this
section. Install card near point of access to roof, or where indicated.
Send a photostatic paper copy to [EFACHESNAVFACENGCOM, Code 102, Building
212, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, DC 20374-2121] [LANTNAVFACENGCOM,
Code 1613, 1510 Gilbert Street, Norfolk, VA 23511-2699] [NORTHNAVFACENGCOM,
Code 103A, 10 Industrial Highway, Mail Stop #82, Lester, PA 19113-2090]
[PACNAVFACENGCOM, Code 102, Pearl Harbor, HI 96860-7300]
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