actions in detail. Notify the Contracting Officer a minimum of 2 working
days prior to site visit by manufacturer's technical representative.
Visual Inspection and Moisture Scanning
The Government may conduct a detailed visual inspection and nondestructive
moisture scan of the completed installation prior to expiration of the
Contractor warranty. Any roof system deficiencies or moisture found in the
roof system installation shall be repaired by the Contractor.
Correction of deficiencies shall be as directed by the Contracting Officer
at no additional cost to the Government.
All waste material, material containers, and debris shall be cleaned up
daily and placed in appropriate trash containers. At completion of the
work all waste material, debris, and containers shall be removed from the
job site and disposed of as required by local regulations.
For each roof, furnish a typewritten information card for facility records
and a card laminated in plastic and framed for interior display at roof
access point, or a photoengraved 1 mm (0.032) inch thick aluminum card for
exterior display. Card shall be 215 mm by 275 mm (8 1/2 by 11 inches)
minimum. Information card shall identify facility name and number;
location; contract number; approximate roof area; detailed roof system
description, including deck type, identification of foam substrate, foam
thickness, type coating, foam and coating manufacturer, date of completion;
installing contractor identification and contact information; manufacturer
warranty expiration, warranty reference number, and contact information.
The card shall be a minimum size of 215 mm by 275 mm (8 1/2 by 11 inches).
Install card at roof top or access location as directed by the Contracting
Officer and provide a paper copy to the Contracting Officer.
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