thickness during application by probing depth with probe wire. Adjust
application procedures as necessary to develop required foam thickness.
Unless otherwise indicated, conform with manufacturer's standard details,
for foam thickness around drains, penetrations, curbs, and other
terminations. Transitions between horizontal and vertical surfaces shall
be smooth and sprayed at a nominal angle of 45 degrees. Foam shall be
uniformly terminated a minimum of 100 mm (4 inches) above the roof line at
all curb, stack, pipe and other vertical penetrations and boundary
terminations in the roof, unless otherwise indicated or required by the
roof system manufacturer and approved by the Contracting Officer. Foam
shall be V-cut 13 mm (1/2 inch) deep at metal eave and rake terminations
and filled with sealant compatible with the coating system prior to
application of the coating.
Surface Uniformity
Do not exceed the minimum thickness of the foam by more than 13 mm (1/2
inch), except as necessary at transitions and penetrations, or as otherwise
approved by the Contracting Officer. Apply the foam of a sufficient
overall surface uniformity to prevent water ponding. The finished spray
foam surface shall provide for free drainage of the roof area.
Finish Appearance and Texture
NOTE: Surface Texture: Spray foam tends to
telegraph surface over which it is applied.
Therefore, some broadcasting of deck joints, lines,
offsets, and other irregularities may appear in
finished foam surface unless specified otherwise.
Where a smooth, even plane is required, specify as
such and insert requirements for filling of with a
base layer of foam or leveling of base layer of foam
by shaving or scarfing prior to primary foam layers
The finished surface of applied foam shall be [a smooth, even plane] free
of ridges, bumps, pinholes, depressions, crevices, voids, or oxidation and
shall be "course orange peel" or smoother in conformance with photographic
standards of ASTM D 5469 or SPFA AY-104. Soft, spongy, delaminating,
brittle, or otherwise non-complying areas of foam shall be removed and
Foam Finish Correction
If the sprayed foam skin is removed to correct surface texture or to remove
excess foam thickness, respray the cut surface with foam formation at least
13 mm (1/2 inch) thick to provide a protective foam skin prior to
application of the protective coating.
Finish Removal
Remove foam that is not bonded, of poor cell structure, wet, or otherwise
does not meet the material quality specifications.
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