Good weatherability. Withstands temperature extremes well.
Use on
slopes 1:24 (1/2:12) and greater. Typical 4-8 hour cure time. Use dark
base coat. Available in off white, tan, shades of gray
Type B(Silicone)
Two component system. High permeability (breathable).
Use on slopes 1:24 (1/2:12) and greater. Use fast cure base coat to
promote adhesion to foam. Use standard cure type for finish coat where
granules are added, otherwise use fast cure for finish coat. Typical
fast cure in 10-20 minutes. Standard cure in 2-8 hours. Available in
light and medium grays.
Type CB (Urethane aromatic)
Available as one or two component.
Generally low permeability but some are considered permeable. Good
abrasion resistance, tensile strength, elongation, impact resistance, and
low temperature flexibility. High solids content. Darkens and chalks on
Will withstand moderate ponding water. Use as base,
intermediate and finish coat system, or as base and intermediate with
Type CF finish coat. Standard dry time of 4-6 hours with cure time of
10-24 hours. Fast dry time of 1-20 minutes with cure time of 10-24 hours.
Type CF(Urethane aliphatic)
Available as one or two component.
Generally low permeability but some are considered permeable. Excellent
abrasion resistance, tensile strength, elasticity, impact resistance, and
low temperature flexibility. Moderate solids content. Good color and
gloss retention.
Will withstand moderate ponding water. Use only as
finish coat over Type CB base and intermediate coats. Recommended where
highly weather resistant or aesthetic finish coat required.
Type A
One component system. High
Use on slopes 1:24
permeability (breathable).
(1/2:12)and greater.
Good weatherability.
Typical 4-8 hour cure
Withstands temperature
time. Use dark base
extremes well.
coat. Available in
off white, tan
shades of gray.
Type B
Two component system. High
Use on slopes 1:24
permeability (breathable).
(1/2:12) and greater.
Use fast cure base
coat to promote
adhesion to foam.
Use standard cure
type for finish coat
where granules are
added, otherwise use
fast cure for finish
coat. Typical fast
cure in 10-20
minutes. Standard
cure in 2-8 hours.
Available in light
and medium grays.
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