Venting is provided in accordance with the following:
(1) Edge Venting: Perimeter nailers are kerfed across width of
the nailers to permit escape of gaseous pressure at roof edges.]
(2) Underside Venting: Vent openings are provided in steel form
decking for cast-in-place concrete substrate.]
(3) Vapor pressure relief vents: Holes equal to the outside
diameter of vents are provided through the insulation where vents
are required. Space vents in accordance with membrane
manfacturer's recommendations.]]
NOTE: Coordinate with Section 06100 ROUGH
treatment is specified for wood which will be in
contact with roofing components.
Exposed nail heads in wood substrates are properly set. Warped
and split [boards] [sheets] have been replaced. There are no
cracks or end joints 6 mm (1/4 inch) in width or greater. Knot
holes are covered with sheet metal and nailed in place. [Wood]
[Plywood] decks are covered with rosin paper or unsaturated felt
prior to base sheet or roof membrane application. [Joints in
plywood substrates are taped with 50 mm (2 inch) wide masking tape
to prevent air leakage from the underside.]]
Insulation boards are installed smoothly and evenly, and are not
broken, cracked, or curled. There are no gaps in insulation board
joints exceeding 6 mm (1/4 inch) in width. Insulation is being
roofed over on the same day the insulation is installed.]
Cast-in-place concrete substrates have been allowed to cure and
the surface dryness requirements specified under paragraph
entitled "Field Quality Control" have been met.]
[Joints between precast concrete deck units, including weld
plates, are grouted, leveled, and covered with 4 inch wide ply
felt or other bituminous stripping membrane set in bituminous
cement prior to applying other roofing materials over the area.]
Prior to application of primer on precast concrete decks, joints
shall be covered with a minimum 100 mm (4 inch) strip of felt or
bituminous stripping membrane set in bituminous cement.
Protection of Property
Protective Coverings
Install protective coverings at paving and building walls adjacent to
hoists and kettles prior to starting the work. Lap protective coverings
not less than six inches, secure against wind, and vent to prevent
collection of moisture on covered surfaces. Keep protective coverings in
place for the duration of the roofing work.
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