An indication considered doubtful shall be brought to the attention of the
Contracting Officer and, at the Contractor's option, the weld shall be
repaired or investigated further. Indications detected within 10 mm 3/8
inch of accessible surfaces shall be investigated further using liquid
penetrant in accordance with ASTM E 165 or magnetic particle methods in
accordance with ASTM E 709, as applicable, to determine if the surface is
penetrated. Failure to locate the flaws by one of these methods shall
only dye penetrant inspection is required. Other questionable defects
shall be further investigated using modifications of the inspection
procedure in accordance with paragraph GENERAL REQUIREMENTS.
Inspection of Repairs
All repairs shall undergo the same inspection procedure that originally
revealed the discontinuities. Before acceptance, the welds shall meet the
standards required for the original weld.
NOTE: These limits cover different types of joint
configurations and provide for differing levels of
acceptance standards. The designer will delete
those paragraphs that do not apply for a particular
project. If more than one class of weld is required
for a project, the contract drawings will be
annotated or a table will be provided in this
section to clearly indicate the acceptance standard
that applies to each joint. Class I includes items
such as vessels for cryogenic fluids and American
Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, Section IV. Class II includes
pressure vessels constructed to the requirements of
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section
III, Subsection NC and Section VIII, or dynamically
loaded items such as bridges and turbine cases.
Class III includes statically loaded structures such
as buildings, storage tanks for petroleum, oil, and
Welds shall be accepted or rejected by ultrasonic indication in accordance
with the following:
Class I
Welds shall be rejected on the basis of the following:
a. Any evidence of a crack, including any revealed by dye penetrant or
magnetic particle in accordance with paragraph GENERAL ACCEPTANCE/
b. Any indication of a discontinuity such as excessive undercutting,
lack of fusion, incomplete penetration, inclusions, or porosity which
individually or collectively produce reflections equal to or greater
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