Slipforming - Finishing
The class of finish and the requirements for finishing of slipformed facing
elements shall be as specified in this paragraph, paragraph CONSTRUCTION
TOLERANCES, and as indicated. The finished surface shall be smooth and
free from rock pockets and surface voids. Light surface pitting (voids up
to 6 mm 1/4 inch diameter) and light slipforming marks are not considered
objectionable. Where the surface produced meets specified requirements, no
[Precast Reinforced Panels]
The precast panel systems shall be designed as specified in [Section [_____]
] [_____]. Typical panel systems shall consist of interlocked panels
measuring 1 m 4 ft by as much as 5 m 16 ft, 4 inches thick (min.), and
anchored at four locations. Anchor bars, straps, and connections shall be
oversized or treated to compensate for deterioration due to exposure to
moisture. Panels shall be adequately braced with either external
strongbacks or by staggering panel placement and connection to adjacent
panels. The Contractor, by design, shall assure the safety and immobility
of the panel system. The panel system shall include upstream face [,
downstream face] [, spillway crest] [, spillway training wall] [, and
stilling basin training wall panels]. Panel joints shall match with pier
noses, spillway cap, intake structure, and transverse joints.
No concrete leveling pad for setting panels is required unless the panel
design so requires, however, the base of the panels shall be embedded at
least 300 mm 1 foot into concrete, RCC, or backfill material. The initial
row of panels shall be adequately braced, aligned, and leveled.
Panels shall be installed so that horizontal joint lines of the upstream
and downstream faces and the spillway crest panel joints align and shall
meet the tolerances in paragraph CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES.
At all lift-surface elevations, effective and approved temporary guardrail
shall be provided at the top of the structure to protect workers and
prevent loss of tools or debris over edges. Safety barriers shall comply
with the requirements of EM 385-1-1.
NOTE: See the appropriate DM to fill in the blanks.
Contraction joints shall be formed by inserting plates into non-compacted
full lift thickness RCC at locations as shown on the drawings. The plates,
when installed adjacent to each other (at the same structure stationing
within each lift) shall form a bond breaker that serves as a contraction
joint. The plates shall be [900] [_____] mm [36] [_____] inches wide,
[300] [_____] mm [12] [_____] inches deep, up to 6 mm 1/4 inch thick, and
made out of [_____]. The plates shall be installed vertically into the RCC
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