of processing required.
List of Sources
NOTE: The concrete materials DM will list those
sources requiring low-alkali cement, which must be
noted herein.
[_____] [1/]
Low-alkali cement must be used with these sources.]
[_____] [1/]
Low-alkali cement must be used with these sources.]
b. Selection of Source - After the award of the contract, the
Contractor shall designate in writing only one source or combination of
sources from which he proposes to furnish aggregates. If the
Contractor proposes to furnish aggregates from a source or sources not
listed above, he may designate only a single source or single
combination of sources for aggregates. Regardless of the source
selected, samples for quality-assurance testing shall be provided as
required by PART 1, paragraph PRECONSTRUCTION, TESTING, AND
MIXTURE-PROPORTIONING STUDIES. If a source for coarse or fine
aggregate so designated by the Contractor does not meet the quality
requirements stated in paragraph QUALITY, the Contractor may not submit
for approval any other unlisted sources but shall furnish the coarse or
fine aggregate, as the case may be, from sources listed, provided it
meets the requirements of paragraph QUALITY, at no additional cost to
the Government].
[Government-Furnished Concrete Aggregate Source
NOTE: The specification writer should ascertain
specified under other sections.
a. Location - The deposits are [owned] [controlled] by the Government
and are made available to the Contractor free of charge for production
of aggregate required under this contract. Within the designated area,
an adequate supply of material is available from which concrete
aggregate meeting the requirement of these specifications can be
produced with suitable processing. The Government guarantees that a
sufficient amount of material of suitable quality for production of all
of the concrete aggregate required is available within the deposit and
that concrete aggregates of suitable quality can be produced with a
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