shall be responsible for measuring and recording concrete temperatures,
weather conditions, time of placement, quantity placed, method of
placement, depths of tremie pipes and concrete at regular intervals,
and loss of concrete. A written report recording these data shall be
submitted daily.
c. Placing Corrective Action - Placing shall not be continued if any
pile of concrete is inadequately consolidated. If any batch of
concrete fails to meet the temperature requirements, immediate steps
shall be taken to improve temperature controls.
a. Moist-Curing Inspections - At least once each shift and once per
day on nonwork days an inspection shall be made of all areas subject to
moist curing. The surface moisture condition shall be noted and
b. Moist-Curing Correction Action - When a daily inspection report
lists an area of inadequate curing, immediate corrective action shall
be taken, and the required curing period for such areas shall be
extended by 1 day.
Mixer Uniformity
Mixer uniformity of concrete shall conform to the following:
a. Stationary Mixers - At the start of concrete placing and at least
once every 6 months when concrete is being placed, uniformity of
concrete shall be determined. The tests shall be performed in
accordance with ASTM C 94/C 94M. Whenever adjustments in mixer or
increased mixing times are necessary because of failure of any mixer to
comply, the mixer shall be retested after adjustment. Results of tests
shall be reported in writing.
b. Truck Mixers - At the start of concrete placing and at least once
every 6 months when concrete is being placed, uniformity of concrete
shall be determined in accordance with ASTM C 94/C 94M. The truck
mixers shall be selected randomly for testing. When satisfactory
performance is found in one truck mixer, the performance of mixers of
substantially the same design and condition of blades may be regarded
as satisfactory. Results of tests shall be reported in writing.
c. Mixer Uniformity Concrete Action - When a mixer fails to meet mixer
uniformity requirements, the mixing time shall be increased or
adjustments shall be made to the mixer until compliance is achieved.
All results of tests and inspections shall be reported as required. Each
report shall include the updating of control charts covering the entire
period from the start of the construction season through the current week.
During periods of cold-weather protection, reports of pertinent
temperatures shall be made daily. These requirements do not relieve the
Contractor of the obligation to report certain failures immediately as
required in preceding paragraphs. Such reports of failures and the action
taken shall be confirmed in writing in the routine reports. The
Contracting Officer has the right to examine all Contractor quality control
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