As an alternate to using an absorptive wood form contact face as a
form liner, use "Zendrain" or an approved equal in strict
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
Reinforcing Bars
NOTE: ASTM A 706/A 706M bars are mainly used in
seismic design or for welding.
NOTE: Do not mix coated rebar and plain reinforcing
bars. This will produce a large corrosion cell
between the plain bar and any defect in the coated
ACI 301 unless
otherwise specified. ASTM A 615/A 615M and ASTM A 617/A 617M
with the bars
marked A, Grade [40] [60]; or ASTM A 616/A 616M with the
bars marked R,
Grade [50] [60]. [ASTM A 706/A 706M.] Prefabricated epoxy
coated, ASTM A
934/A 934M. Do not use uncoated reinforcing steel.
Mechanical Reinforcing Bar Connectors
ACI 301. Provide 125 percent minimum yield strength of the reinforcement
bar. Coat connectors in accordance with the same requirements as
reinforcing bars.
Welded Wire Fabric
ASTM A 185 or ASTM A 497.
Provide flat sheets of welded wire fabric for
slabs and toppings.
ASTM A 82 or ASTM A 496.
Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
NOTE: Only use fiber reinforcement when approved by
the designer. Fiber reinforcing is used to help:
control cracking due to drying shrinkage and thermal
expansion/contraction; reduce permeability; and
reinforcing will not: control cracking due to
structural stresses; significantly increase
strength; control curling or creeping; justify
reducing structural members; eliminate control
joints; or replace any moment or structural steel
reinforcement. Include flexural toughness tests
when synthetic reinforcement fibers are used to
increase toughness and when justified by size and
importance of job, but not when fibers are used only
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