a. Moist-Curing Inspections - At least once each shift, and once per
day on nonwork days an inspection shall be made of all areas subject to
moist curing. The surface moisture condition shall be noted and
b. Moist-Curing Corrective Action - When a daily inspection report
lists an area of inadequate curing, immediate corrective action shall
be taken, and the required curing period for such areas shall be
extended by one (1) day.
c. Membrane-Curing Inspection - No curing compound shall be applied
until the Contractor's authorized representative has verified that the
compound is properly mixed and ready for spraying. At the end of each
operation, he shall estimate the quantity of compound used by
measurement of the container and the area of concrete surface covered
and compute the rate of coverage in square meters/L square feet per
gallon. He shall note whether or not coverage is uniform.
d. Membrane-Curing Corrective Action - When the coverage rate of the
curing compound is less than that specified or when the coverage is not
uniform, the entire surface shall be sprayed again.
e. Sheet-Curing Inspection - At least once each shift and once per day
on nonwork days, an inspection shall be made of all areas being cured
using material sheets. The condition of the covering and the tightness
of the laps and tapes shall be noted and recorded.
f. Sheet-Curing Corrective Action - When a daily inspection report
lists any tears, holes, or laps or joints that are not completely
closed, the tears and holes shall promptly be repaired or the sheets
replaced, the joints closed, and the required curing period for those
areas shall be extended by one (1) day.
Cold-Weather Protection and Sealed Insulation Curing
At least once each shift and once per day on nonwork days, an inspection
shall be made of all areas subject to cold-weather protection. The
protection system shall be inspected for holes, tears, unsealed joints, or
other deficiencies that could result in damage to the concrete. Special
attention shall be taken at edges, corners, and thin sections. Any
deficiencies shall be noted, corrected, and reported.
Cold-Weather Protection Corrective Action
When a daily inspection report lists any holes, tears, unsealed joints, or
other deficiencies, the deficiency shall be corrected immediately and the
period of protection extended 1 day.
Mixer Uniformity
a. Stationary Mixers - Prior to the start of concrete placing and once
every 6 months when concrete is being placed, or once for every 57,000
cubic meters 75,000 cubic yards of concrete placed, whichever results
in the longest time interval, uniformity of concrete mixing shall be
determined in accordance with ASTM C 94/C 94M.
Truck Mixers - Prior to the start of concrete placing and at least
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