Nonpigmented Curing Compound
A nonpigmented curing compound containing a fugitive dye may be used on
surfaces that will be exposed to view when the project is completed.
Concrete cured with nonpigmented curing compound must be shaded from the
sun for the first 3 days when the ambient temperature is 32 degrees C 90
degrees F or higher.
The curing compound shall be applied to formed surfaces immediately after
the forms are removed and prior to any patching or other surface treatment
except the cleaning of loose sand, mortar, and debris from the surface.
The surfaces shall be thoroughly moistened with water, and the curing
compound applied as soon as free water disappears. The curing compound
shall be applied to unformed surfaces as soon as free water has disappeared
and bleeding has stopped. The curing compound shall be applied in a
two-coat continuous operation by approved motorized power-spraying
equipment operating at a minimum pressure of 500 kPa 75 psi, at a uniform
coverage of not more than 10 square meters/L 400 square feet per gallon for
each coat, and the second coat shall be applied perpendicular to the first
coat. Concrete surfaces that have been subjected to rainfall within 3
hours after curing compound has been applied shall be resprayed by the
method and at the coverage specified. All concrete surfaces on which the
curing compound has been applied shall be adequately protected for the
duration of the entire curing period from pedestrian and vehicular traffic
and from any other cause that will disrupt the continuity of the curing
NOTE: The concrete that may be cured using
impervious sheet should be horizontal or near
horizontal finished surfaces such as roof slabs,
floors, or the first course of two-course floors, or
floors that are to be covered with tile or resilient
The following concrete surfaces may be cured using sheet material:
Sheet curing shall not be used on vertical or near-vertical surfaces. All
surfaces shall be thoroughly wetted and be completely covered with
waterproof paper or polyethylene-coated burlap having the burlap thoroughly
water-saturated before placing. Covering shall be laid with light-colored
side up. Covering shall be lapped not less than 300 mm 12 inches and
securely weighted down or shall be lapped not less than 100 mm 4 inches and
taped to form a continuous cover with completely closed joints. The sheet
shall be weighted to prevent displacement so that it remains in contact
with the concrete during the specified length of curing. Coverings shall
be folded down over exposed edges of slabs and secured by approved means.
Sheets shall be immediately repaired or replaced if tears or holes appear
during the curing period.
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