Allow adequate time for the patching materials to cure in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation prior to
concrete placement.
Rinse placed reinforcing bars with fresh water to remove chloride
NOTE: When indicated, include ASTM A 767/A 767M and
ASTM A 780 for zinc-coated (galvanized) bars.
As indicated. For splices not indicated ACI 301. Do not splice at points
of maximum stress. Overlap welded wire fabric the spacing of the cross
wires, plus 50 mm (2 inches) 2 inches. [AWS D1.4. Welded splices shall be
approved prior to use.] [Repair the cut ends of hot-dipped galvanized
reinforcement steel to completely coat exposed steel, ASTM A 780.]
Plug exposed, threaded, mechanical reinforcement bar connectors with a
greased bolt. Bolt threads shall match the connector. Countersink the
connector in the concrete. Calk the depression after the bolt is installed.
NOTE: Consult designer to verify that cover
requirements of ACI 301 are adequate. ACI 201.2R
and ACI 303R require additional cover for severe
exposure conditions. Unless otherwise directed,
specify 75 mm (3 inch) 3 inch cover where exposed to
ACI 301 for minimum coverage, unless otherwise indicated.
Place and secure anchors and bolts, pipe sleeves, conduits, and other such
items in position before concrete placement. Plumb anchor bolts and check
location and elevation. Temporarily fill voids in sleeves with readily
removable material to prevent the entry of concrete.
Construction Joints
Locate joints to least impair strength.
Continue reinforcement across
joints unless otherwise indicated.
Expansion Joints and Contraction Joints
Provide expansion joint at edges of interior floor slabs on grade abutting
vertical surfaces, and as indicated. Make expansion joints 13 mm (1/2 inch)
1/2 inch wide unless indicated otherwise. Fill expansion joints not
exposed to weather with preformed joint filler material. Completely fill
joints exposed to weather with joint filler material and joint sealant. Do
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