Reinforcement shall be fabricated to shapes and dimensions shown and shall
conform to the requirements of ACI 318M/318RM ACI 318/318R.
shall be cold bent unless otherwise authorized. Bending may be
accomplished in the field or at the mill. Bars shall not be bent after
embedment in concrete. Safety caps shall be placed on all exposed ends of
vertical concrete reinforcement bars that pose a danger to life safety.
Wire tie ends shall face away from the forms.
Reinforcement shall be free from loose rust and scale, dirt, oil, or other
deleterious coating that could reduce bond with the concrete.
Reinforcement shall be placed in accordance with ACI 318M/318RM ACI 318/318R
at locations shown plus or minus one bar diameter.
Reinforcement shall
not be continuous through expansion joints and shall be as indicated
through construction or contraction joints. Concrete coverage shall be as
indicated or as required by ACI 318M/318RM ACI 318/318R. If bars are moved
more than one bar diameter to avoid interference with other reinforcement,
conduits or embedded items, the resulting arrangement of bars, including
additional bars required to meet structural requirements, shall be approved
before concrete is placed.
NOTE: Edit this paragraph to remove welding
requirements when welding is not permitted. The
only type of connection allowed in blast resistant
structures is Cadweld or lapping of rebars.
Splices of reinforcement shall conform to ACI 318M/318RM ACI 318/318R and
shall be made only as required or indicated. Splicing shall be by lapping
or by mechanical or welded butt connection; except that lap splices shall
not be used for bars larger than No. 11 unless otherwise indicated.
Welding shall conform to AWS D1.4. Welded butt splices shall be full
penetration butt welds. Lapped bars shall be placed in contact and
securely tied or spaced transversely apart to permit the embedment of the
entire surface of each bar in concrete. Lapped bars shall not be spaced
farther apart than one-fifth the required length of lap or 150 mm 6 inches.
Mechanical butt splices shall be in accordance with the recommendation of
the manufacturer of the mechanical splicing device. Butt splices shall
develop 125 percent of the specified minimum yield tensile strength of the
spliced bars or of the smaller bar in transition splices. Bars shall be
flame dried before butt splicing. Adequate jigs and clamps or other
devices shall be provided to support, align, and hold the longitudinal
centerline of the bars to be butt spliced in a straight line.
Welded-wire fabric shall be placed in slabs as indicated. Fabric placed in
slabs on grade shall be continuous between expansion, construction, and
contraction joints. Fabric placement at joints shall be as indicated.
Lap splices shall be made in such a way that the overlapped area equals the
distance between the outermost crosswires plus 50 mm 2 inches. Laps shall
be staggered to avoid continuous laps in either direction.
Fabric shall
be wired or clipped together at laps at intervals not to exceed 1.2 m 4 feet.
Fabric shall be positioned by the use of supports.
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