State Landscape Contractor's License
SD-03 Product Data
Mulch[; G, [_____]]
Weed control fabric[; G, [_____]]
Root control barrier[; G, [_____]]
Metal edging
[Erosion control materials]
[Photographs; G, [_____]]
SD-04 Samples
[Mulch]; [G, [_____]]
[Submit [one pint][0.5 liter] of mulch.]
SD-06 Test Reports
Topsoil composition tests; [Soil Test of current growing area];
[Soil Test of proposed area]; [Soil Test location map]
Percolation Test; [Percolation Test of current growing area];
[Percolation Test of proposed area]
SD-07 Certificates
Nursery certifications
Indicate names of plants in accordance with the LHBH, including type,
quality, and size.
Commercial test from an independent testing laboratory including basic soil
groups (moisture and saturation percentages, Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium
(N-P-K) ratio, pH (ASTM D 4972), soil salinity), secondary nutrient groups
(calcium, magnesium, sodium, Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR)), micronutrients
(zinc, manganese, iron, copper), toxic soil elements (boron, chloride,
sulfate), cation exchange and base saturation percentages, and soil
amendment and fertilizer recommendations with quantities for plant material
being transplanted. Soil required for each test shall include a maximum
depth of 450 mm18 inches of approximately 1 liter1 quart volume for each
test. Areas sampled should not be larger than 0.4 hectare1 acre and should
contain at least 6-8 cores for each sample area and be thoroughly mixed.
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