] [[_____] cubic meters per 100 square meters[_____] cubic yards
per 1000 square feet.]]
[Perlite [[_____] cubic meters per square meter[_____] cubic yard per
acre] [[_____] cubic meters per 100 square meters[_____] cubic
yards per 1000 square feet.]]
[Compost Derivatives [[_____] cubic meters per square meter[_____]
cubic yard per acre] [[_____] cubic meters per 100 square meters
[_____] cubic yards per 1000 square feet.]]
[Calcined Clay [[_____] cubic meters per square meter[_____] cubic
yard per acre] [[_____] cubic meters per 100 square meters[_____]
cubic yards per 1000 square feet.]]
[Gypsum [[_____] cubic meters per square meter[_____] cubic yard per
acre] [[_____] cubic meters per 100 square meters[_____] cubic
yards per 1000 square feet.]]
Fertilizer Application Rates
NOTE: Check with the local Agriculture County
Extension Service and specify amounts applicable for
the project area. Two fertilizer applications may
be required when hydroseeding with wood fiber mulch.
Apply fertilizer at rates as determined by laboratory soil analysis of the
soils at the job site. For bidding purposes only apply at rates for the
[Organic Granular Fertilizer [[_____] kg per square meter[_____]
pounds per acre] [[_____] kg per 100 square meters[_____] pounds
per 1000 square feet.]]
[Synthetic Fertilizer [ [_____] kg per square meter[_____] pounds per
acre ] [[_____] kg per 100 square meters[_____] pounds per 1000
square feet.]]
[Hydroseeding Fertilizer [[_____] kg per square meter[_____] pounds
per acre] [[_____] kg per 100 square meters[_____] pounds per 1000
square feet.]]
Seed Application Seasons and Conditions
NOTE: Check with the local Agriculture County
Extension Service to determine proper planting
seasons for specie specified, for the optimum cover
depth, and for the proper rate of application for
sowing and drilling seed as this rate varies with
the specie of seed used and local conditions. Allow
for planting period in the construction completion
time. Delete time restrictions for continuous
growing conditions.
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