and depth of loose fill protective surfacing. Ensure installed chopped
tire material is free from steel belts. Ensure the slide exit region has
the required clear zone. Swing seat clearances are measured while occupied
by a maximum user for the age group using the equipment. The finished
installation shall have the appearance of a single covering. Protective
surfacing that does not comply shall be reinstalled. Hardware that does
not comply shall be replaced. Ensure positive drainage for the area and
the lowest elevation of protective surfacing subgrade has been provided. A
written report describing the results of the evaluation shall be provided.
Spare Parts
Protective surfacing spare parts provided by the manufacturer shall be
Maintenance Instruction
The manufacturer's operation and maintenance manual describing the
recommended preventive maintenance, inspection frequency and techniques,
periodic adjustments, lubricants, and cleaning requirements shall be
When re-installation is required, the following shall be accomplished.
Re-install the product as specified. Provide new replacement materials
supplied by the manufacturer (material acquisition of replacement parts is
the responsibility of the Contractor). Damage caused by the failed
installation shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense.
-- End of Section --
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