Sample Application
NOTE: In some localities an incompatibility may
exist between the asphaltic emulsion and the water
to be used for dilution due to their
used, and if there is any doubt with the
add the following to this paragraph: Prior to
commencing work, 0.24 liter (one half pint) of the
proposed asphalt emulsion and 0.24 liter (one half
pint) of the proposed water shall be combined,
agitated, and allowed to sit for a period of 24
hours to test their compatibility. If they prove to
be incompatible, an approved chemical treatment
shall be provided for all water used for dilution or
a different and compatible source of water shall be
Determine the required application rate from a sample installation. Select
an area of the prepared pavement at least 90 m 300 feet long and as wide as
the distributor spray bar. Dilute emulsified asphalt with an equal part of
water or as recommended by the manufacturer. Apply the water diluted
100 feet long. The trial applications shall be made at the rates of [0.36]
[_____], [0.63] [_____], and [0.90] [_____] liters per square meter [0.08]
[_____], [0.14] [_____], and [0.20] [_____] gallons per square yard. The
trial application rates may be modified if approved by the Contracting
Officer. Additional trial applications may be made if warranted by
pavement surface conditions. The rate which has been satisfactorily
applied without leaving an excess of asphalt residue on the surface and has
been approved, shall be used for the fog seal.
Application Inspection
Inspect application of fog seal for uniformity. [During application, take
[_____] sample for each [400] [_____] square meters [500] [_____] square
yards of surface area to receive emulsified asphalt. Weigh samples to
determine conformance with application rate.]
Inspection Reports
Furnish a written report citing climatic temperature during application,
emulsion temperature during application, and rate of emulsion application.
Following preparation of the surface, apply the water diluted asphalt
emulsion at the rate determined from the trial application. Maintain
application temperature of emulsified asphalt between 24 and 71 degrees C
75 and 160 degrees F. To obtain uniform application of the fog seal at the
junction of previous and subsequent applications, spread building paper on
the surface of the applied material for a sufficient distance back from the
ends of each application so that flow from the spray bar may be started and
stopped on the paper, and so that all sprayers will operate at full force.
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