operations requirements, the maximum period
practicable should be specified.
Removal of rubber is generally accomplished by water
blasting. Few approved chemical are effective and
sandblasting is not permitted by air pollution
regulations at some locations. Mechanical abrasion
generally causes damage to the pavement.
Detailed procedures for conducting rubber and paint
removal from airfield pavements are contained in
Section 02981, "Rubber and Paint Removal from
Airfield Pavements."
Existing marking paints with paint build-up greater
than 1 mm 40 mils shall be completely removed in
accordance with Section 02981, unless crack free and
determined sound. When tested for adhesion (ASTM D
4541), a sound marking paint must exhibit greater
than 0.97 MPa 140 psi adhesion and/or produce 100
percent cohesive failures within the pavement.
Allow new pavement surfaces to cure for a period of not less than [30]
surfaces to be marked before application of the paint. Remove dust, dirt,
and other granular surface deposits by sweeping, blowing with compressed
air, rinsing with water, or a combination of these methods as required.
Remove [rubber deposits,] [existing paint markings,] [residual curing
compounds,] and other coatings adhering to the pavement by water blasting.
For Portland Cement Concrete pavement, grinding, light shot blasting, and
light scarification, to a resulting profile equal to ICRI 03732 CSP 2, CSP
3, and CSP 4, respectively, can be used in addition to water blasting, to
either remove existing coatings or for surface preparation on most
pavements: shot blasting shall not be used on airfield pavements due to the
potential of Foreign Object Damage (FOD) to aircraft. Scrub affected areas,
where oil or grease is present on old pavements to be marked, with several
applications of trisodium phosphate solution or other approved detergent or
degreaser and rinse thoroughly after each application. After cleaning
oil-soaked areas, seal with shellac or primer recommended by the
manufacturer to prevent bleeding through the new paint. Do not commence
painting in any area until pavement surfaces are dry and clean.
Rate of Application
NOTE: On new asphaltic surfaces, two coats of
marking paint at half the normal application
thickness and with a waiting period of two or more
weeks between coats may be required to reduce
surface cracking, paint curling, and marking paint
To reduce FS TT-P-1952 and High Build Acrylic
Coating (HBAC) discoloration on uncoated asphaltic
wearing surfaces, apply a pre-stripe of the above
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