Reflective media for airfields
Reflective media for roads and streets
Paints for airfields
Paints for roads and streets
High Build Acrylic Coating (HBAC); G
Thermoplastic compounds and primer
Raised Pavement Markers and Adhesive
Report from sampling and testing made in accordance with
paragraph entitled "Sampling and Testing."
SD-07 Certificates
Reflective media for airfields
Reflective media for roads and streets
Paints for airfields
Paints for roads and streets
Thermoplastic compounds and primer
Construction equipment list
SD-08 Manufacturer's Instructions
Paints for airfields
Paints for roads and streets
Thermoplastic compounds and primer
Deliver paints, paint materials and thermoplastic compound materials in
original sealed containers that plainly show the designated name,
specification number, batch number, color, date of manufacture,
manufacturer's directions, and name of manufacturer. Provide storage
facilities at the job site for maintaining materials at temperatures
recommended by the manufacturer. [Make available paint stored at the
project site or segregated at the source for sampling not less than 30 days
prior to date of required approval for use to allow sufficient time for
testing. Notify the Contracting Officer when paint is available for
NOTE: If emergency marking at temperatures from - 1
degrees C30 degrees F to 5 degrees C40 degrees F is
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