days prior to start of construction.Aggregate testing shall have been
performed within 90 days of performing the mix design.
Coarse Aggregate
NOTE: The requirement for sulfate soundness
(requirement b., below) may be deleted in climates
where freeze-thaw does not occur. However, in those
areas where freeze-thaw does not occur, requirement
b. should remain if experience has shown that this
test separates good performing aggregates from bad
performing aggregates.
Percentage of Wear (ASTM C 131) shall not exceed 40.
Aggregates with a higher percentage of wear may be
specified, provided a satisfactory record under
similar conditions of service and exposure has been
Coarse aggregate shall consist of sound, tough, durable particles, free
from films of material that would prevent thorough coating and bonding with
the asphalt material and free from organic matter and other deleterious
substances. The coarse aggregate particles shall meet the following
a. The percentage of loss shall not be greater than 40 [__] percent
after 500 revolutions when tested in accordance with ASTM C 131.
b. The sodium sulfate soundness loss shall not exceed 12 percent, or
the magnesium sulfate soundness loss shall not exceed 18 percent after
five cycles when tested in accordance with ASTM C 88.
c. At least 75 percent by weight of coarse aggregate shall have at
least two or more fractured faces when tested in accordance with COE
CRD-C 171. Fractured faces shall be produced by crushing.
d. The particle shape shall be essentially cubical and the aggregate
shall not contain more than 20 percent, by weight, of flat and
elongated particles (3:1 ratio of maximum to minimum) when tested in
accordance with ASTM D 4791.
e. Slag shall be air-cooled, blast furnace slag, and shall have a
compacted weight of not less than 1200 kg/cubic meter 75 lb/cu ft when
tested in accordance with ASTM C 29/C 29M.
f. Clay lumps and friable particles shall not exceed 0.3 percent, by
weight, when tested in accordance with ASTM C 142.
Fine Aggregate
NOTE: The lower limit for uncompacted void content
(requirement c., below) should be set at 45 for fine
aggregate angularity unless local experiences
indicate that a lower value can be used. There are
some aggregates which have a good performance record
and have an uncompacted void content less than 45.
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