Installation of Insulating Fittings
NOTE: Lightning arrestors or grounding cells should
be installed in those projects where aboveground
pipe may be subject to excessive induced current and
where the current might jump the insulating gap.
No deflection will be allowed in insulated mechanical joints. [Protect
insulating joints connecting aboveground piping to buried, cathodically
protected piping with [lightning arrestors] [zinc grounding cells]
installed where indicated.] [[Lightning arrestors] [Zinc grounding cells]
shall conform to applicable NEMA Standards.]
be abandoned, inlcuding points of disconnect from
the gas supply source, above-grade valves, risers,
and vault and vault boxes.
NOTE: If the existing transmission or distribution
system is cathodically protected, indicate on the
drawings modifications required to maintain
existing lines are abandoned in place or abandoned
and removed. Add specification text as required to
address the modifications in this Section or in
Sections 13110, "Cathodic Protection by Galvanic
Anodes," or 13111, "Cathodic Protection by Impressed
Current" as appropriate.
Lines Abandoned in Place
Physically disconnect lines abandoned in place from all sources of gas and
purge or fill abandoned lines with water or other inert material. Air or
inert gas may be used for purging. Purging shall continue until it has
been determined that the volume of gas or liquid hydrocarbons remaining in
the system poses no potential hazard. After purging is complete or system
is filled with water, cap or plug all open ends.
Service Lines
Service lines abandoned from an active main shall be disconnected as close
to the main as practicable.
Above-Grade Valves, Risers, and Vaults and Valve Boxes
All valves left in an abandoned line shall be closed. All above-grade
valves, risers, and vault and valve box covers shall be removed; vault and
valve box voids filled with suitable compacted material; and surface
finished to match existing conditions.
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