removed. The lift-off reading shall be within five percent of the
specified lock-off load. If the lift-off reading is not within five
percent of the specified lock-off load, the anchorage shall be reset and
another lift-off reading shall be made. This procedure shall be repeated
until a satisfactory lift-off reading is obtained. After lock-off, the
trumpet shall be filled with [grout] [corrosion inhibiting compound] and
[the anchor head protective cap shall be installed][the anchorage recess
shall be fully grouted flush with the adjacent surfaces].
The first three anchors and a minimum of 2 percent of the remaining anchors
shall be designated as demonstration test anchors. designated
demonstration test anchors shall be used to verify [top of rock elevation,]
[rock] [soil] quality and the adequacy of the Contractor's anchor design
and installation procedures. Demonstration test anchors shall pass the
performance test prior to placing other anchors within the the section
represented by the respective demonstration test anchor. All other anchors
shall be proof tested. During the stressing of each anchor, a record shall
be kept of gage pressure and of anchor elongation at each stage of
stressing to the specified test or Lock-off Load, as applicable. The Test
Load shall not be exceeded. The Contractor shall provide a qualified
engineer to evaluate the anchor test results and determine the
acceptability of the anchors in accordance with the criteria indicated
hereunder. Final acceptance of each anchor will be made by the Contracting
Officer. All tests shall be run in the presence of the Contracting Officer
or his representative.
Performance Test
NOTE: Performance tests cannot be performed on
fully-grouted resin-grouted anchors. The slow
setting resin cartridges can not be installed for
resin-grouted anchors which are to be performance
tested and provision must be made for grouting the
free stressing length if the anchors are to be used
as production anchors.
Performance test shall consist of cyclically and incrementally loading and
unloading the anchor, and shall be conducted in accordance with PTI 4,
Paragraph 8.3.2. During the testing of each anchor, a record shall be kept
of gage pressure and of anchor elongation at each stage of stressing to
each Test Load required by PTI 4. Measurements of the elongation of
prestressing steel shall be made in accordance with PTI 4. If the total
movement at the end of 10 minutes at the Test Load exceeds 1 mm 0.040 inch,
the Test Load shall be held an additional 50 minutes and the movement
readings shall be taken at the interval specified in PTI 4, Paragraph
8.3.2. Test records, including plots and graphical analysis of test data,
shall be furnished upon acceptance of each performance tested anchor in
accordance with paragraph SUBMITTALS.
Proof Test
Proof test shall consist of incrementally loading the anchor and shall be
conducted in accordance with PTI 4, Paragraph 8.3.3. During the testing of
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