joints shall be field located as directed by the Contracting Officer.
Block Layout Pattern Dependent on Project Features
If the block pattern is shown to be maintained parallel and perpendicular
to selected project features, such as the crest/toe of levee/channel
slopes, then field location of cast-in-place concrete joints shall be
implemented as needed, and as directed by the Contracting Officer.
Maximum acceptable block projections (vertical offset from adjacent blocks)
for "installation in the dry" shall not exceed 0.5 inches for interlocking
blocks 25 mm 1.0 inch for cabled systems. Typical block projections shall
Anchors shall be carefully positioned for attachment to the articulating
concrete block. Rigid shafts shall align with the ACB cables. Flexible
anchors (cables, etc.) shall be linear between the ACB fastener and the
restraining device before tensioning. Penetrations in the geotextile to
allow for penetration of the anchor shall be sealed [in accordance with the
drawing details].
General Requirements
Use of cast in place concrete joints shall be minimized to the extent
practicable. The Contracting Officer shall be informed of all concrete
joints not shown on shop drawings prior to field placement. Joints that
shall require concrete include:
- Joints between cable tied mattresses where the joint is 75 mm 3 inches
wider than the nominal joint.
- Joints where block interlock is discontinuous.
- Abutments where the ACB meets headwalls, pipe penetrations, or
- Any areas where there are partial blocks (to avoid small blocks with
reduced hydraulic stability).
Field placed concrete shall be proportioned for similar strength and
durability properties as the ACB concrete[, and shall meet applicable
portions of Section [03300A CAST-IN-PLACE STRUCTURAL CONCRETE] [03307
CONCRETE FOR MINOR STRUCTURES]]. All cable ties and anchoring shall be
completed prior to placing concrete.
The ACB shall abut pipe outlets, retaining walls, flood walls, head walls,
sidewalks, and other abutments in a neat appearance. Unless a specific
detail is indicated on the drawings, voids shall be filled with partial
blocks and the gap shall be filled with cast-in-place concrete. The
concrete shall be installed flush with the surface of the blocks, and shall
be float finished.
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