the timber (which the Government has appraised at $[_____]). The
Contractor shall submit payment to the Contracting Officer by cashier's or
certified check in the amount of $[_____], made payable to the U.S.
Treasury. Payment shall be made within 30 days of the Notice to Proceed.
The Contracting Officer shall deposit the check into the [Navy Forestry]
[_____] account.]
[All timber on the project site noted for clearing [and grubbing] shall
become the property of the Contractor, and shall be removed from the
project site and disposed of off stations.]
Nonsaleable Materials
Logs, stumps, roots, brush, rotten wood, and other refuse from the clearing
and grubbing operations, except for salable timber, shall be disposed of
[in the designated waste disposal area] [outside the limits of
Government-controlled land at the Contractor's responsibility] [by
burning], except when otherwise directed in writing. Such directive will
state the conditions covering the disposal of such products and will also
state the areas in which they may be placed. [Refuse to be burned shall be
burned at specified locations and in a manner to prevent damage to existing
structures and appurtenances, construction in progress, trees, and other
vegetation. The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with all
Federal and State laws and regulations and with reasonable practice
relative to the building of fires. Burning or other disposal of refuse and
debris and any accidental loss or damage attendant thereto shall be the
Contractor's responsibility.]
-- End of Section --
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