Utilities located within concrete slabs or pier structures, bridges, and
the like, are extremely difficult to identify due to the reinforcing steel
used in the construction of these structures. Whenever contract work
involves concrete chipping, saw cutting, or core drilling, the existing
utility location must be coordinated with station utility departments in
addition to a private locating service. Outages to isolate utility systems
shall be used in circumstances where utilities are unable to be positively
identified. The use of historical drawings does not alleviate the
contractor from meeting this requirement.
Conduct of Electrical Work
Underground electrical spaces must be certified safe for entry before
entering to conduct work. Cables that will be cut must be positively
identified and de-energized prior to performing each cut. Positive cable
identification must be made prior to submitting any outage request for
electrical systems. Arrangements are to be coordinated with the
Contracting Officer and Station Utilities for identification. The
Contracting Officer will not accept an outage request until the Contractor
satisfactorily documents that the circuits have been clearly identified.
Perform all high voltage cable cutting remotely using hydraulic cutting
person other than the switch operator will be allowed in the space during
the actual operation. Plan so that work near energized parts is minimized
to the fullest extent possible. Use of electrical outages clear of any
energized electrical sources is the preferred method. When working in
energized substations, only qualified electrical workers shall be permitted
to enter. When work requires Contractor to work near energized circuits as
defined by the NFPA 70, high voltage personnel must use personal protective
equipment that includes, as a minimum, electrical hard hat, safety shoes,
insulating gloves with leather protective sleeves, fire retarding shirts,
coveralls, face shields, and safety glasses. In addition, provide
electrical arc flash protection for personnel as required by NFPA 70E.
required, depending on the specific job and as delineated in the
Contractor's AHA.
Portable Extension Cords
Portable extension cords shall be sized in accordance with manufacturer
ratings for the tool to be powered and protected from damage. All damaged
extension cords shall be immediately removed from service. Portable
extension cords shall meet the requirements of NFPA 70.
The Contractor shall comply with the requirements in Section 06.I of USACE
EM 385-1-1, OSHA 29 CFR 1910.146 and OSHA 29 CFR 1926.21(b)(6). Any
potential for a hazard in the confined space requires a permit system to be
a. Entry Procedures. Prohibit entry into a confined space by
personnel for any purpose, including hot work, until the qualified
person has conducted appropriate tests to ensure the confined or
enclosed space is safe for the work intended and that all potential
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