inch overlap, and securely sealed. A trench shall be excavated
approximately 100 mm 4 inches wide and 100 mm 4 inches deep on the upslope
side of the location of the silt fence. The 100 mm by 100 mm 4-inch by
4-inch trench shall be backfilled and the soil compacted over the filter
fabric. Silt fences shall be removed upon approval by the Contracting
Straw bales shall be placed in a single row, lengthwise on the contour,
with ends of adjacent bales tightly abutting one another. Straw bales
shall be installed so that bindings are oriented around the sides rather
than along the tops and bottoms of the bales in order to prevent
deterioration of the bindings. The barrier shall be entrenched and
backfilled. A trench shall be excavated the width of a bale and the length
of the proposed barrier to a minimum depth of 100 mm 4 inches. After the
bales are staked and chinked (gaps filled by wedging with straw), the
excavated soil shall be backfilled against the barrier. Backfill soil
shall conform to the ground level on the downhill side and shall be built
up to 100 mm 4 inches against the uphill side of the barrier. Loose straw
shall be scattered over the area immediately uphill from a straw bale
barrier to increase barrier efficiency. Each bale shall be securely
anchored by at least two stakes driven through the bale. The first stake
or steel post in each bale shall be driven toward the previously laid bale
to force the bales together. Stakes or steel pickets shall be driven a
minimum 450 mm 18 inches deep into the ground to securely anchor the bales.
NOTE: Describe the procedures to be follow during
construction to maintain the vegetation, erosion and
sediment control measures, and other protective
measures in good and effective operating condition.
The Contractor shall maintain the temporary and permanent vegetation,
erosion and sediment control measures, and other protective measures in
good and effective operating condition by performing routine inspections to
determine condition and effectiveness, by restoration of destroyed
vegetative cover, and by repair of erosion and sediment control measures
and other protective measures. The following procedures shall be followed
to maintain the protective measures.
Silt Fence Maintenance
Silt fences shall be inspected in accordance with paragraph INSPECTIONS.
Any required repairs shall be made promptly. Close attention shall be paid
to the repair of damaged silt fence resulting from end runs and
undercutting. Should the fabric on a silt fence decompose or become
ineffective, and the barrier is still necessary, the fabric shall be
replaced promptly. Sediment deposits shall be removed when deposits reach
one-third of the height of the barrier. When a silt fence is no longer
required, it shall be removed. The immediate area occupied by the fence
and any sediment deposits shall be shaped to an acceptable grade. The
areas disturbed by this shaping shall [receive erosion control if required
by Section [02___ EROSION CONTROL]], paragraph [AREAS TO RECEIVE EROSION
CONTROL] [be seeded in accordance with Section [02___]] [ESTABLISHMENT OF
TURF], [except that the coverage requirements in paragraph ESTABLISHMENT do
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